November 15, 2009 journal, History Channel is debunking nine1one conspiracy theories. They say the government has no secrets but the government does have secrets, in fact this government is secret as a shadow government. The government brainwashes the people. The government officially produces misinformation about the economy, about the dollar and everything on earth. Wall Street is a lie the same as the Federal Reserve, as flu shots. They reported the reason they could not show a plane approaching the Pentagon is that the plane was traveling at 500 miles per hour and the video was recording it at a lower speed. How fantastic that they finally proved with that excuse that the plane passed right through the video camera so fast it could not be recorded not one inch of the 200 ft. of it. My own video cam recorded a space shot at much faster speed. Does this mean that no camera can record a jetliner at 500 m.p.h. even though if there was a jetliner diving into that part of the Pentagon it had to be going much slower to get it down to the ground. Larry Silverstein the leaseholder of the World Trade Center was recorded giving orders to "pull it", speaking of building number 7 at about 4:00 pm, they had problems explaining that away for sure. He looks 200 years old and got billions insurance in lost revenues. The Pentagon hit is as crazy as saying JFK's brains flew in an opposite direction than the bullet came from. It was different than the towers strike because the fire came straight out back in the direction the plane would have flown in from which is ridiculous, it came from an explosion from inside. It blew straight out at least 100 feet and then upward. Internet scammers are now being exposed as stealing millions from the public daily. The crooked banks are terminating themselves and the credit card companies are also terminating their own customers by raising interest rates, penalties and reducing credit lines as the cards are paid down on. It is commercial suicide what is happening today for the banks and for the entire economy. America needs to revolt against all these abuses. We are a dictatorship and have been for a long time with GW a/our self-declared dictator. We are prepared for Marshall Law and have been preparing for a long time knowing it is coming soon as the food gets scarce and more people are unemployed with chaos all over. China is the world model for population control. The idea did not start with China but with the developers of eugenics in the global arena of universal population manipulation. China already has 30 million more boys than girls because they abort so many girls. China for last 25 years has had its cake and eat it too selling its products in U.S. dollars but paying its help in local currency and masking a vast fortune enough to buy everything inside the Beltway and maybe even the entire Eastern Seaboard including New York City. This is quite similar to the way the private Federal Reserve has done it for 96 years now. Varments like Rudy Guiliani fear the truth will come out if so-called terrorist are tried in New York City, they want a military tribunal to convict them to death and destruction. The black lung flu virus spreading across the Ukraine into Europe and even to Canada is believed to be from the man-made N1H1 virus mutated and gotten out of hand spreading like wildfire with no apparent avoidance or cure. It is being compared to the 1918 Black Plague were at least 50 million people died. It is reported potentially fatal scorches lungs. I wondered why the new needles was so large they are shooting into the arms of little kids and now I know it is used to secretly implant a microchip which can then be programmed from the outside. They are planting microchips in the arms of little children without their stupid parents even knowing. Fake a smile because today you may be on candid camera. Federal judge rules the Army Corps of Engineers were negligent in New Orleans flood.